We had a few things lined up for our special man of the hour. This year it felt just a little bit more special since our family is now complete with baby boy Ian. The girls of the house surprised daddy with breakfast in bed. He was pretty surprised especially since we woke him up with our loud ruckus! Haha, that's us gals- LOUD! Than we all got ready for church. It was also a special Sunday as well because our church had child dedication and we all prayed over our small children and promised to guide them in God's path by not only teaching them God's way but also leading by example. We later came home and the kids gave daddy his father's day presents and I tried to take a few pictures before I changed the kids out of their church clothes....as you can see by the pictures- this bunch doesn't do well after sitting for too long :/ The kid's nana came by to see them only just to witness Bri attempting to cut her own hair! Ugh! That child! The crazy thing was that even though there was a lot of hair on the floor, she did manage to give herself layers. We turned to daddy and said "Happy Father's Day Daddy!" Never a dull moment!